10 Steps To A Successful School iPad Program | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it

"iPads have quickly become a the hottest commodity in educational technology. Apple reports that schools are purchasing iPads over MacBooks by a ratio of 2:1. However, the rush to purchase the latest technologies often precedes the careful planning and preparation that’s crucial to their success as educational tools.

There’s simply no magic pill – whether it’s the laptop, smartboard, iPad or the next device that comes along in a year or two. Technology alone won’t ever have the capacity to improve education unless it’s woven into a holistic vision that meets the very real and urgent educational objectives that prepare our students for life outside and after school. Well-planned technology deployments can however have a transformative impact on learning.

Here’s a list of ten requirements for a successful iPad implementation in schools."

Via John Evans