8 of The Best Web Tools for Taking Students On Virtual Field Trips - EdTech & mLearning | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
he Internet has brought the entire world right into our own homes. The world’s knowledge is just a click away. Our students have benefitted and continue to benefit from the wonders of the web in their own learning. Virtual field trips, the topic of our post today, is one simple example of how the web technologies have tremendously transformed learning and teaching. Without leaving their own desks and right from within their classroom, students get to visit popular world museums, explore ancient monuments in Egypt and Rome, tour major cities in the world using web tools that are readily available either for free or at a cheap cost. The collection we have for you today features an updated list of some of the best web technologies you can use with your students for virtual field trips. Check them out and share with us your feedback in our Facebook page.

Via John Evans