Why the Fastest Learners are always busy | quick learners are insatiable learners-#LifeLongLEARNing | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
Quick learners do not learn faster because they know some secret way of learning. In today's world we are all looking for the quick fix, for the easy solution and the fast way to get to what we want.

We get everything we desire instantly. Movies are on demand, TV shows can be watched for hours on end, and even products are delivered right to your front door.

Expecting the same thing for acquiring knowledge does not work. What "quick" learners do instead is they continue to work above and beyond what the rest of us do. Below I have listed some differences between quick learners vs. normal learners.


Quick learners are insatiable learners...


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Via Edumorfosis, Gust MEES