Feminist Pedagogy in a Time of Coronavirus Pandemic – FemTechNet | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it

Ana Christina Pratas - insights

Things to Consider as You Move Your Teaching Online

  • Uneven resources always exist, but the move online makes this structural inequality more obvious.
  • A variety of needs for privacy should always be accommodated in learning communities.
  • An online class is not the same thing as a class with physical persons gathered to learn together in a brick and mortar classroom in real time and physical space.
  • You don’t have a “flipped classroom.” You no longer have a classroom at all!
  • Reject calls to highlight prestige, peer institutions, and imitation of star systems on other campuses and instead explore what is needed and best about where you work and then also foster connections across difference.
  • Embrace DIY peer-to-peer improvised faculty and student connections, as did the first FemTechNet connected classes: https://femtechnet.org/docc/
  • Reject the push and rush to “learn” the technology; do this in your own way; admit that you are learning as you go.
  • The supposedly “born digital” generation needs just as much help as others.
  • Your online course is not simply about imparting information in one direction.
  • Consider what co-presence means in any learning situation and how we relate to each other newly through screens and with various technologies.
  • Consider how international students can be supported in a time of widespread anti-Asian racism.
  • Consider how to recognize and thank everyone who is participating in the class.
  • Online experiences can be unsafe. Please see our resources at the Center for Solutions to Online Violence at http://femtechnet.org/csov/.
  • Differences around race, class, nationality, gender, sexuality, and ability don’t disappear in online environments.  Online experience is as racist and sexist and homophobic as anywhere else.
  • Feminists have been thinking about digital learning since its inception. Please see our white paper on Transforming Higher Education with Distributed Open Collaborative Courses (DOCCs): Feminist Pedagogies and Networked Learning http://femtechnet.org/about/white-paper/"

Via Ana Cristina Pratas, Elizabeth E Charles