A Handy Chart Featuring Some of The Best QR Code Apps and Tools for Teachers | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it

If you are planning to use QR codes with your students in class the chart below provides you with some of the best web tools and mobile apps for generating and reading QR codes. And as we have argued elsewhere, there are several ways to integrated QR code technology in your teaching. In this excellent video tutorial, Red Squirrel demonstrates 11 ways you can use QR codes in your class (e.g: create handouts with links to online content; enrich your content by adding links to online videos, documents and PDFs where students can access more information about topics taught; create QR codes that can show answers to a specific exercise or instructions on how to carry out a certain activity …etc, make books interactive and many more).

Via Gumersindo Fernández