Harsh Vardhan launches 'revamped' health schemes - From 'paper-based to paper-less' | Healthcare in India | Scoop.it

Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has launched "revamped" health schemes for providing cashless, paperless and citizen-centric services.


These include the revamped Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) and the umbrella schemes of Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN) and Health Minister's Discretionary Grant (HMDG) on NHA's IT platform


He said that due to lack of timely intervention, delayed response and various hurdles, the poor and the needy were not able to avail the benefits of these health schemes.


read the original story at https://www.livemint.com/news/india/from-paper-based-to-paper-less-harsh-vardhan-launches-revamped-health-schemes-on-it-platform-of-nha-11622570268354.html