Why Software Security Is a Skill All Programmers Should Have | Code it | Scoop.it

As a programmer or developer, the importance of creating secure applications cannot be overstated.


Software security deals with the management of malicious attacks by identifying potential vulnerabilities in software and taking the necessary precautions to guard against them.


Software can never be 100% secure because a developer can overlook a bug, create new bugs in an attempt to fix existing cases, or create new vulnerabilities through updates.


However, there’re two key practices that all software developers can employ to ensure that they create secure software


  • writing secure code in the first place, and
  • efficiently testing your code.


Software Security Is a Crucial Skill For All Developers

Developing good software is synonymous with ensuring that your software can withstand any malicious attack. This is only achievable through the writing of secure code, the continual testing of an application, and maintaining control of who has access to your data.



