Report: TypeScript Pays Well, Projected for Huge Growth (C#, Not So Much) | Code it |
Technical careers specialist Dice dove into job posting data to chart the salaries associated with popular programming languages, finding that Microsoft's TypeScript fares well in both accounts.


The job data comes from Burning Glass, which provides real-time job market analytics.


Dice combed through the data to determine which programming languages are

most in-demand and

how much they pay


Those are two vital questions as technologists and developers everywhere decide which skills to learn next.


See the attached photograph. TypeScript pays fairly well (fifth), but really shines in projected 10-year growth, where an astounding predicted rate of 60 percent dwarfs all other languages.


Dice opined more about TypeScript specifically. "It's worth calling out TypeScript here. Technically, it's a superset of the ultra-popular and well-established JavaScript, which means that whatever you code in it is transpiled to JavaScript. That being said, many programming-language rankings (such as RedMonk) treat it as a full programming language. However you define it, it's clear that the language is on a strong growth trajectory, paired with a solid median salary. If you're looking for a new programming language to learn, keep an eye on it."


read the whole report here:


For a quickstart to Typescript for tjose of you know who know javascript look here -->