Widespread Symptoms from an Auto Collision | Spine Health & Spinal Hygiene | Scoop.it

Some people will develop widespread pain after an auto injury. Decades ago, people with these symptoms were thought to be exaggerating their injuries, but now we know that there are actual alterations that occur in the brain and nervous system that are at the root for the development of chronic pain.

After suffering an automobile injury, such as whiplash, the structures of the cervical spine, or neck, can be stretched or torn as a result of the back-and-forth motion during an auto collision. The complex tissues surrounding the neck and other areas of the spine then become swollen and inflamed, causing the well-known symptoms of neck pain. In this process, the muscles contract in order to protect from further injury.

However, if a whiplash-type injury is not treated right away, a repetitive cycle of pain and muscle contractions can occur. This can cause widespread symptoms throughout the body, including the hands and feet as well as make the individual overly sensitive to pain in general.