Deep space mine: Luxembourg's robot experts have their sights on asteroid mining | #UniversityLuxembourg #Space | Luxembourg (Europe) |

This summer, Luxembourg became the first country in the world to invest in asteroid mining, with a pledge of €200m ($223m) in funding for the space-mining industry.

Yet the country thinks it has more to offer the sector than just money: it also hopes to inject its intellectual capital into the mix.

Luxembourg is mobilizing homegrown talent at the University of Luxembourg to help private asteroid-mining company Deep Space Industries develop robotic technology for its prototype exploration spacecraft.

The University of Luxembourg's Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT) will develop an optical vision system for the company's experimental Prospector-X spacecraft.

The research group at the University of Luxembourg's Automation and Robotics Research Group, which is part of the university's SnT Centre, has built up expertise in robotic automation and unmanned aerial vehicle vision systems.


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