What are the Main Detoxification Systems? | El Paso, TX Chiropractor | Call: 915-850-0900 | Detox Yourself! | Scoop.it

The body is capable of eliminating harmful components generated by the production of toxic metabolites and the ingestion of toxic substances. When these overwhelm the organs of detoxification and excretion, the body can store these chemicals in the connective tissues. Detoxification is essential for the restoration of the body’s regulatory mechanisms in order to improve function. In the following article, we will discuss what is detox and how each of the organs of detoxification is responsible for the proper functioning of the organism in general, among other fundamental tasks.




The liver performs a variety of fundamental tasks, including digestion and hormonal balance. It’s considered to be the body’s main detoxification system. Several functions of the liver include:


  • removing harmful compounds like food additives, toxic medications, and excess hormones, etc.
  • extracting waste material from the bloodstream and transforming them so that they can be excreted by the kidneys or intestines
  • eliminating toxic metabolites and other waste products from intestinal fermentation and putrefaction
  • a source of Kupffer’s cells which filter and eliminate foreign invaders, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and cancerous cells




The kidneys help to purify the blood from harmful compounds, including food additives, toxic medications, excess hormones, and other chemicals, by extracting them from the bloodstream and eliminating them through the urine. For proper filtration of the blood, an individual’s blood pressure and volume should be stable. Furthermore, proper hydration is essential for proper kidney function.




The gastrointestinal tract is also responsible for the detoxification and excretion of harmful compounds. Throughout the different phases of digestion, harmful compounds are extracted and excreted by the liver into the bile and finally into the small intestine in order to continue through the intestinal tract to be eliminated in the stool. In the final phase of digestion, anything that can still be utilized in the colon, such as fiber, is ultimately broken down further with the help of the gut microbiome and it is transported to the liver for detoxification. The intestines are another essential detoxification system.


Respiratory Tract


The respiratory tract, including the lungs and the bronchi, eliminates harmful compounds in the form of carbonic gas. It may also excrete phlegm. Constant irritation by foreign invaders, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and cancerous cells, can cause the alveoli to act as an emergency exit for toxins that the liver, kidneys, and the gastrointestinal tract did not succeed in eliminating. These harmful compounds are transported by the bloodstream towards the lungs and bronchi where they are coughed up as phlegm. This phlegm consists of waste resulting from insufficient digestion and excretion.




The skin is the largest organ of protection and defense. It plays a fundamental role in the elimination of harmful compounds and it can help with kidney function. It evacuates waste products in the form of “crystals” that are soluble in liquids and are then eliminated in the form of sweat through the sweat glands. Crystals are the residues of the metabolism of foods that are high in protein, such as legumes, eggs, dairy products, fish, meats, and cereals. These may also result from an excess of refined sugar. Other types of waste products and harmful compounds are excreted in the form of rashes.


Lymph System


Finally, the lymph system is another main detoxification system. Lymph fluid allows waste products to leave the cells and be carried away to the bloodstream. Lymphatic capillaries are responsible for the defense of the body and purification of the body fluids to maintain its proper functioning. Other sites of lymphocyte production are the spleen, the thymus, etc. If foreign invaders enter into the body, the production of white blood cells increases rapidly and proportionally to the intensity of the aggression. The lymph nodes that are closest to the site react first to defend and protect the body.