Do Sit-Stand Desks Help Burn Calories Without Causing Back Pain? | El Paso Back Clinic® • 915-850-0900 | Chiropractic + Wellness |

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at sit/stand desks to see if they help with back pain and burn calories.

Regular utilization of sit-stand desks at work can help burn off calories and stop weight gain when coupled with other low-intensity tasks, according to findings from a current study in Occupational Medicine. The sit- stand desks did not increase pain or reduce productivity.

“In fact, other longer-term studies are demonstrating that using a sit-stand desk may actually reduce pain,” clarified lead writer Bethany Barone Gibbs, PhD, FAHA, Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Activity, Clinical, and Translational Science in the Physical Activity and Weight Management Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh.

For patients who have back pain or have lately experienced spinal surgery, the recommendation to stand on and off during the day is very important, commented A. Nick Shamie, MD, Chief of Orthopaedic Spine Surgery and Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Neurosurgery at UCLA School of Medicine.

“Sitting down puts significant pressure on disks and the backbone,” Dr. Shamie said. “In addition, the pressure on discs is extremely high when one is seated and bends forward to pick something off of the flooring,” he noted.

The Way The Study Was Performed

For the study, 18 people (9 men, 9 women) performed standardized deskwork at different positions for three independent one-hour sessions: 60 minutes sitting, 60 minutes standing, and 60 minutes spent alternating between sitting and standing for 30 minutes each. Standardized deskwork contained posts that were typing from a magazine, copying definitions from a dictionary, and math exercises. Areas completed experimental sessions in a haphazard order, at least and within four weeks.

All participants were between the ages of 22 and 57 years old, had earned at least a high school degree, and worked sedentary office occupations having an average daily sitting time of 8.8 hours.

Sit-Stand Desks May Burn Off 50-60 Calories Each Day

The research found that if your person stood for thirty minutes during each hour, they might burn 5.5 more calories than they’d have by sitting for the entire hour. Standing for the full hour burned an extra 8.2 calories. Changing evenly between sitting and standing on the course of an 8-hour day—4 hours sitting and 4 hours standing —could burn off as much as 56.9 calories for guys and 48.3 calories for girls.

While the number of calories is comparatively small, it may be sufficient to stop weight gain from working a sedentary job. In reality, the researchers pointed to other studies showing that modest increases in daily activity, the equivalent of burning 100 calories per day, prevents weight gain in most individuals. Routine usage of sit-stand desks could be one of many small tasks that would help weight is maintained by office workers, the researchers noted.

The Advantages Of Sit-Stand Desks

“Sit-stand desks are an easy way to get an increase in energy cost that matches into America’s present office culture. By combining the action of standing for part of the day with other occasional actions—say, electing to walk to the printer farthest away from your work space or selecting to make use of the restroom that’s found a few flights of stairs away—you can attain a significant amount of extra energy cost while at work which could help in weight control,” Dr. Barone Gibbs said.

“It’s essential that we understand standing at work isn’t going to burn off as many calories as choosing a brisk walk or a long term,” Dr. Barone Gibbs said. “However, our findings add to an increasing area of research that demonstrates the advantages of sit-stand desks, including increases in energy and productivity, blood sugar, and lower pain, and potentially blood pressure.”

Folks can certainly go online and also read reviews of the greatest sit-stand desks and how to incorporate them into work setting, Dr. Shamie said. He included that sit-stand desks are simply one part of back care. Eating a healthy diet, sleep, regular exercise, are all factors that play a job in an overall healthy lifestyle and back care, he explained.