Reducing Stress with Chiropractic Treatment | Chiropractic + Wellness |

Chiropractic care is not commonly utilized as a treatment option for stress but, many individuals who receive chiropractic treatment can often feel relief from stress due to a variety of reasons. Stress not only affects the human mind but the physical body as well. When a person has been under a lot of stress, the nervous system can become irritated and directly affect the muscular system, causing a build up of tension and tightness.

We are constantly being exposed to environmental stressors. Other stressors can derive within our own body and mind. Although some levels of stress are normal and necessary in order for individuals to function efficiently and effectively under certain pressure, elevated and constant amounts of stress can be debilitating. Using simple techniques to both recognize and regulate stress as well as developing healthy eating habits and exercise routines can tremendously help maintain healthy levels of stress in your life. Through chiropractic care, a chiropractor can identify areas of the spine that lack proper functioning and locate any irritated nerves. Using spinal adjustments and manual manipulation, the original mobility of the spine can be corrected to remove the pressure on the nerves. When the additional tension being placed on the spine is reduced, many individuals feel great relief and relaxation.