Results of Chiropractic Care for Cervical Myelomalacia | Chiropractic + Wellness |

Title: The chiropractic management of cervical Myelomalacia.

Abstract: To examine the diagnosis and condition of a patient suffering from neck pain and radiation of pain into arms following a motor vehicle accident. Diagnostic studies include the chiropractic orthopedic and neurological examination, digital x-rays, range of motion and cervical MRI.

Introduction: On 10/10/2016, a 38-year-old male presented to our office for injuries he had sustained in an MVA on 10/01/2016. The patient stated that he was stopped at an intersection when the pickup behind him hit him at a fast speed, pushing him through the intersection. The patient stated that he had neck pain and stiffness the radiated into the trapezius area. He also complained about “tingling” into both hands. He also complained of lower back pain that he felt more than the neck. His review of systems was benign, other than the current symptoms of neck and back pain and tingling.