Can The Weather Predict Your Moods? | El Paso, TX Chiropractor | Call: 915-850-0900 | Chiropractic + Wellness |

Does the weather forecast make anyone smile? Whether it is nothing but bright, sunny skies and warm temperatures or gray, overcast skies with threats of rain and thunderstorms, the weather can affect a person’s joints and cause them pain. The old saying “Feel it in my bones” comes to play when environmental conditions can affect the physical body. Research has indicated that these effects are not just skin deep, but the weather can affect a person’s mood and emotional health. They found that patients experience increased joint pain in response to a decrease in pressure and indicating that low atmospheric pressure conditions exacerbate joint pain.


Lots of people are affected differently by different weather patterns. There are no hard-fast rules regarding the influence of how the weather affects people’s moods. The research suggested that high humidity may increase sleepiness and can negatively affect concentration and focus on a person. While rising temperatures can help lower anxiety and skepticism mood scores in a person. Since humidity is the most significant predictor since it implicates for school and office performances are being discussed and highlights the importance of humidity as a weather variable.


Some individuals love to sit out in the sun and soak up every ray while basking in the heat. Others instead prefer to let themselves stay indoors surrounded by air conditioning and feeling so much better in the colder weather with less sunshine.