Why Transgender Healthcare Is Important | El Paso, TX Chiropractor | Call: 915-850-0900 | Chiropractic + Wellness | Scoop.it

Going to get a routine checkup from either the doctor or the dentist is stressful enough for individuals. For transgender individuals, going to get a routine checkup is even more stressful for them as they are more often getting mistreated or even denied care that they needed. In a 2009 survey, around 70% of transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals have reported experience the following:

  • Refusal of health care
  • Healthcare professional refusing to touch or use precautions to individuals
  • Healthcare professionals using unnecessary abusive language
  • Blamed for their own health wellness
  • Healthcare professionals being abusive to the patients

Additional surveys also revealed that transgender health care is discriminated and has kept at least one-third of transgender individuals from seeking medical help for any illnesses or injuries that they may have encountered. It is especially startling that many transgender patients have educated their doctors about transgender health.


Transgender is defined as “an individual who feels that their gender identity does not match their physical body and is different from the gender they are born in.” A 2016 data analysis by The Williams Institute, found out that about 1.4 million American individuals that identify as transgender.


Transgender individuals are beginning to speak about their problems and issues. They talk about the concerns about how office staff are feeling betrayed during their transitional status, all the way to others discriminating in the health care they are receiving. Transgender individuals are providing medical professionals what they can and should do to make sure that they feel safe in the medical professional’s care. Without awareness and education, the healthcare providers are not doing; these issues are more likely to escalate with the growing transgender population.