Dental Care and Its Importance In Chronic Pain Mangagement | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Chiropractic + Wellness |

Back pain can affect every part of the body, including the:


  • Head
  • Neck
  • Legs
  • Feet


Dental complications are common for people using medications for acute and chronic back pain. 


Therefore, regular dental care is necessary to spot these problems before they become serious.


Pain medications can at times be the root cause of some dental decay issues.


Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) requires the highest level of specialized dental care because of the highly sensitive nature of the condition.


I asked a local dentist that specializes in treating patients with chronic pain conditions why dental care is important?


Regular dental visits are as important as general check-ups with a primary doctor.


Any issues will have time to grow and become more complicated to treat once diagnosed.


Locate a dentist who treats patients with chronic pain issues, specifically in the upper body, and understands the special needs.


Ask about specific tools to help minimize and control pain:


  • Before
  • During
  • After treatment


Call your primary or pain management physician to ask if there are any specific treatment that the dentist needs to know about.


Dry Mouth

People with chronic pain usually have to use various medications.


These medications can cause dry mouth that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.


Dry mouth condition is called xerostomia and can cause major issues like:


  • Normal swallowing
  • Taste problems
  • Speech problems
  • Oral tissue integrity
  • Chronic mouth irritation
  • Inflammation
  • Dental decay
  • Erosion


Stay hydrated by keeping water around throughout the day, and chew sugarless gum or keep sugarless hard candy around to keep saliva flow.


There is also moisturizing mouth spray, that a dentist can provide.


Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is when over time, gums pull away from the teeth and form pockets that can get infected.


The body’s immune system fights the bacteria as the plaque grows and begins to spread out.


Bacterial toxins and the body’s natural fight response to the infection begin to break down bone and the connective tissue that holds the teeth in place.


If left untreated the:


  • Bones
  • Gums
  • Tissue


That support the teeth are destroyed,  which means that the infected tooth has to be pulled.


Tooth Extraction

People with chronic pain try there best to avoid potential pain triggers, which include dental exams.


Tooth or gum pain/sensitivity usually presents in the later stages of decay when the tooth cannot be saved.


Unfortunately, the result is tooth removal.


There are medications that are known to contribute or cause tooth decay:


  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Aspirin
  • Methadone

Best Defense Strong Offense

So brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss. Although we've all heard this throughout our lives, it is true. Just remember brushing and flossing can go a long way in dealing and managing chronic pain issues.


Give the tongue a good brushing to remove bacteria that can lead to plaque and chronic bad breath.


Tooth cleanings and exams are necessary to prevent any issues before they become serious and require major surgery.


Talk with your primary caregiver before visiting the dentist to figure out any special protocol or medication requirements needed.


After dental treatment, allow plenty of time to rest and recover.


Eat soft food during recovery and avoid:


  • Meats
  • Popcorn
  • Hard candy


These can become lodged in the teeth.


Prevention of dental disease will definitely pay off in the end and allow your immune system to perform at its optimal level.


It is worth the effort, I want all my patients to be in top health and proper oral hygiene can prevent so many diseases and is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.



*CHRONIC* Pain Chiropractic Care | El Paso, TX.


Living with chronic pain symptoms can tremendously affect an individual's quality of life. Neck and back pain caused by a variety of health issues, such as herniated discs and/or automobile accident injuries, can cause persistent symptoms which may last weeks, months, even years if left untreated. 


Dr. Alex Jimenez is a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, who has helped his patients with chronic neck and back pain find the treatment they deserve. Patients describe how Dr. Alex Jimenez has helped them find pain relief and achieve overall health and wellness.