FECA: Injury Compensation for Federal Employees | Chiropractor | Call: 915-850-0900 | Accidents and Injuries | Scoop.it

Federal employees that are injured at work do not get benefits through workers’ comp insurance or their nation’s workers’ comp program. Instead, federal employees receive workers’ compensation benefits through the Federal Employees Compensation Act, abbreviated as FECA, except for railroad workers, longshoremen, black lung coal miners, and refuge workers (that are insured under their own national laws for workers’ compensation). Members of the USA armed forces are also not considered federal employees for purposes of FECA.


FECA provides benefits and injury compensation for workers injured on the job, or even if their injury happened during the course and scope of their employment offsite. FECA covers both injuries and occupational diseases that arise over time work conditions. The United States Department of Labor, through the Office of Worker Compensation Programs, administers the workers’ comp benefits provided by the Federal Employees Compensation Act.